Make sure that your computer can handle what you are changing it to. You can change this to your desired amount, for example, you can change it to -Xmx4G to allocate 4gb of ram.The 2 represents the current amount of allocated ram, in this case it is 2gb. What you will want to focus on is the -Xmx2G.You will see something similar to “-Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions” Press the More Options drop-down and locate JVM ARGUMENTS.To the right of your version, press the 3 dots and click edit.Open Minecraft and go to the Installations tab.If you are wanting to allocate more ram, download Java 8 64 bit first. If you do not have the right version of Java installed, you won’t be able to allocate more than the default amount of ram to the game.

#Atlauncher crashes back to launcher how to
How to Add More RAM to your Minecraft Server We will walk you through the process of doing so on some of the main launchers. Each launcher is slightly different but it’s not difficult to allocate more ram. Many times by default, the launchers will not allocate enough ram to support some of the bigger packs even if your server hosting plan is large enough.

While modpacks are a lot of fun, some of them can be quite resource-intensive. Modpacks are a great way to spice up your gameplay experience, there are thousands of fun packs out there and many different launchers you can use that allows you to play with ease of access. Show More How to Allocate More RAM to a Minecraft launcher